Reignite your spark: 5 playful ways to nourish your curiosity and boost your well-being

Reignite your spark: 5 playful ways to nourish your curiosity and boost your well-being

When we’re feeling a bit lost, disconnected, or overwhelmed, we might not think of taking the temperature of our curiosity. Instead, we might try to eat better, move more, or sleep in.

But cultivating more curiosity in your life can be a game-changer serving as the very fuel you need to guide you back to a place of joy and connection.

But how to do this when curiosity can feel harder to nourish than our bodies? Let’s explore five playful ways to feed your curiosity and lift your spirits.

1. Dive into independent magazines: Your new paper adventure

Sure, we all love a good digital scroll, but there’s something magical about flipping through the pages of a magazine. It’s the very kind of tactile and analog experience that we might all be losing touch with.

Independent magazines can be your go-to for a refreshing dose of inspiration. Visit indie magazine stores like Magalleria in Bath or Mag Culture in London and wander the aisles for new reads. Or subscribe to services like Free Range Magazines and Stack Magazines to get a surprise read delivered to your door.

Indie magazines often cover niche topics and unique perspectives that you might not stumble upon otherwise, sparking new interests and ideas.

2. Discover new Podcasts: Your portable therapy and entertainment

Podcasts are like a buffet for your brain — there’s something for every palate. We’re always hunting for new takes even as we add another new listen to our queue.

Great resources for discovering new shows include Feed the Queue and Your Next Podcast. Whether you’re driving, walking, or just chilling at home, a good podcast can be both a companion and a guide through life’s complexities.

Podcasts can introduce you to big ideas, new perspectives, or even a bit of free therapy.

3. Explorer days: Rediscovering the joy of local adventures

Ever feel stuck in a weekend rut, not knowing what to do? Enter "Explorer Days," a fun way to rebrand leaving the house and discovering new places. It’s a simple reframe that can help you break free from your routine and explore the possibilities of nearby places.

Here’s how it works: Create your own Explorer Formula. Yours could involve visiting an indie coffee shop, a bakery, a creative space, and a bookstore — ideally with a scenic spot nearby. Or maybe it needs to include charity shops, a local museum, and a pub, preferably with some greenery around.

Some of our favorite places to explore include Lyme Regis, Totnes, Stroud, Point Reyes, and Alameda. What’s your explorer formula? Share your favorite spots!

4. Embrace the experiment: Tiny glimmers of curiosity in daily life

Life can sometimes feel like an endless to-do list, but weaving small moments of curiosity into your day can make a huge difference. Create and have to hand feel-good prompts to help explore new things and keep your curiosity alive. These can be little micro-adventures you can do anywhere, whether you’re out and about or cozy at home.

Adopting a mindset of experimentation means being open to trying new things, even if they’re just tiny tweaks to your daily routine. Maybe it’s a new recipe, a different route for your daily walk, or a spontaneous visit to a local art gallery. The key is to stay curious and open to where these small changes can lead you.

5. Books, always: Reconnect with the magic of reading

Now that life has gone on Zoom, it can be easy to forget the joy of getting out of the house and connecting with inspiring people in-person. Seek out author talks and literary festivals and discover how enriching these experiences can be. You’ll leave feeling inspired and with a fresh perspective.

If getting out feels like a chore, remember that there’s always the simple pleasure of getting lost in a good book at home. Books can be gateways to new worlds, ideas, and conversations. You might already find yourself surrounded by books you haven’t shelved yet, but there’s a certain joy in that organized chaos.

For a seamless blend of curiosity and convenience, pair a good book with a related podcast. This way, you can dive deeper into topics that fascinate you.

Over to you: Where could your curiosity take you?

Now that you have these playful ways to nurture your curiosity, which will you choose to do? Where do you go to feed your curiosity already? How could curiosity connect to your mental and emotional well-being?

Remember, curiosity isn’t just about seeking information — it’s about opening your mind and stretching your world. While online curiosity can lead us down endless digital rabbit holes, true curiosity thrives in the real world, where books, people, and natural wonders abound.

More Curiosity, More Joy

Curiosity is one of our company’s core values, which is why we created a self-guided course on how curiosity can enhance your mental and emotional well-being. Over twelve weeks, you’ll explore curiosity-based practices to help you feel happier, calmer, and more confident.

Whether you’re navigating life’s twists and turns or simply seeking to add more adventure to your days, the tools and prompts we share on this course will help you harness your curiosity in ways that feel right for you.

Your only challenge? To see how you best feed your curiosity. Happy exploring!

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